Simon Perrault’s website


  • August 2024: One paper accepted at OzCHI 2024!
  • May 2024: I will be serving as AC for CHI 2025.
  • April 2024: I became Visiting Academician at the Changi General Hospital (CGH), Singapore.
  • Jan 2024: Two papers accepted at CHI 2024!


I am currently an Assistant Professor at SUTD (Singapore) since January 2019. Before that, I was also a visiting professor at KAIST (Korea) in 2018 and an Assistant Professor at Yale-NUS college (Singapore) between 2015 and 2018.

I received my PhD in Computer Science from Telecom ParisTech (France) in April 2013, and joined the National University of Singapore (NUS) in December 2013 as a post-doctoral researcher.

My research interest is in the area of Human Computer Interaction and Human AI Collaboration. I am currently interested in understanding how users interact with online content, such as social media. More specifically, I focus on helping users identify potentially harmful content, such as misinformation, while also supporting them when they write their own content through self-reflection.

To do so, I develop systems that leverage Natural Language Processing, Large Language Models and Large Multimodal Models and Interface Design. A crucial aspect of the work is to provide assistance without forcing it or letting the AI take over for the user.

I am also interested in Information Visualization for Spatial Data (cartograms) and AI-powered systems to support Collaborative Qualitative Analysis.

In the past, I also worked on designing new interaction techniques for Mobile and Wearable computers.

As a researcher, I have served (or currently serve) as an Associate Chair for most major SIGCHI Conferences (CHI, CSCW) and have been chairing for many other venues (SIGGRAPH Asia, Mobile HCI, ISS, etc…).